
太之初一 posted @ 2016年6月13日 22:06 in Windows with tags c c++ 基础 Win32API , 2024 阅读

MessageBox 是Windows系统库 user32.dll 的一个导出函数,用于显示一个提示消息对话框,其原型定义如下 :

int MessageBox(

HWND hWnd, // handle to owner window

LPCTSTR lpText, // text in message box

LPCTSTR lpCaption, // message box title

UINT uType // message box style





0、确定按钮; _MB_OK=@0x0

1、确定、取消按钮; _MB_OKCANCEL=@0x1





6、终止、重试、继续           0x00000006(需声明API才能使用)


_MB_ICONASTERISK=@0x40/ “i”图标


_MB_ICONHAND=@0x10 / “×” 号图标

_MB_ICONINFORMATION=@0x40 / “i” 图标

_MB_ICONMASK=@0xF0 / “i” 图标

_MB_ICONQUESTION=@0x20/ “?” 号图标

_MB_ICONSTOP=@0x10/ “×” 号图标



1=确定钮; IDOK


3=终止钮; IDABORT

4=重试钮; IDRETRY




Odisha +2 Important 说:
2022年8月17日 21:22

Students can check the official website to get the New Question Paper in the first week of January 2023, whether it has been published or not. The education board in charge of Bit Bank Question PDFs, other exams, and the entire educational system is called the Odisha Board. The Board is in charge of advancing secondary education in the state of Odisha. Odisha The 12th Class New Question Paper will be announced in the month of January 2023 on the official website. <a href="">Odisha +2 Important Question Paper 2023 PDF</a> CHSE 12 New Question Paper 2023, Orissa CHSE 12th Class New Question Paper 2023. Students who belong to The Odisha or Orissa State Board of School Education Board BSE And CHSE are informed that this will be the case.

Odisha +2 Important 说:
2022年8月17日 21:23

Students can check the official website to get the New Question Paper in the first week of January 2023, whether it has been published or not. The education board in charge of Bit Bank Question PDFs, other exams, and the entire educational system is called the Odisha Board. The Board is in charge of advancing secondary education in the state of Odisha. Odisha The 12th Class New Question Paper will be announced in the month of January 2023 on the official website. Odisha +2 Important Question Paper 2023 PDF CHSE 12 New Question Paper 2023, Orissa CHSE 12th Class New Question Paper 2023. Students who belong to The Odisha or Orissa State Board of School Education Board BSE And CHSE are informed that this will be the case.

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